Empyrean Solutions is Transforming the Office of the CFO
Empyrean is built for banks and credit unions. Discover how integrated ALM, budgeting, profitability and analytics are changing the game for financial institutions of all sizes.

Risk management, redefined
Empyrean ALM® empowers financial institutions to build a resilient foundation for balance sheet management. Forecast cash flows, perform liquidity stress testing, and manage deposit analytics—all designed to keep your institution financially sound.
Say goodbye to siloed data and inconsistent results.
Harness the power of performance
Our Budgeting & Planning and Profitability tools revolutionize performance management. Empyrean Budgeting & Planning™ delivers insight at every level of your organization. Integrate directly with ALM to drive consistent financial assumptions across your processes, while also supporting payroll, fixed assets and operating expenses.
Empyrean Profitability™ incorporates advanced funds transfer pricing to transform how you measure and manage profitability, delivering valuable insights that offer clarity to every decision impacting performance at your financial institution.

Don’t take our word for it, ask around
Empyrean Solutions is trusted by banks and credit unions across the globe to meet their unique risk and performance management needs. In a close-knit industry, word of mouth speaks volumes. We’ll connect you with clients who face the same challenges as you.
Hear from your peers how Empyrean is reshaping their approach to risk and performance management and making a real difference in their organizations.

Integrated solutions uniquely designed for banks and credit unions
Empyrean Solutions combines decades of expertise with cutting-edge technology to create solutions that are as powerful as they are easy-to-use. Our unified data platform, powered by Empyrean Dataverse®, connects risk and performance data, ensuring all your teams—from treasury to finance—work from the same reliable source of truth.
Ready to experience the difference? Speak to our experts today and see how Empyrean Solutions can empower your financial institution to make faster, more accurate decisions.