Balance sheet management is complex and demanding

Learn how Empyrean is changing the game and bringing new levels of productivity and satisfaction to risk and balance sheet managers at banks and credit unions of all shapes and sizes.

Software should help solve problems, not create them

Balance sheet and risk managers work diligently to ensure their financial institution’s profitability and stability. More often than not, they are being asked to do more with less. Much more.

Too often, their fintech providers disappoint. Over-budget implementations. Poor product quality. Creaky support. Little re-investment. Empyrean is different.

The power of incremental improvement

Empyrean is unique in that our risk practitioner founders – lead designers of the technology – managed bank balance sheets at a senior level for decades. As such, we know firsthand the challenges and time constraints that risk managers face every day.

That is why everything at Empyrean, from the software user experience to the implementation and support interactions, are centered around making you more efficient, productive and as a result, more satisfied.

Don’t take our word for it, ask around

Word of mouth works for us. The world of risk management is small. Find a colleague, peer, consultant, or industry professional who has experienced Empyrean. Ask tough questions.

Or, contact us and choose which clients you’d like to speak with. Hear directly from peers who deal with the same challenges as you on how Empyrean is changing the way they work.

Transforming the office of the CFO

Built for the challenges of the modern financial marketplace

Today, changes to the economic environment, market conditions and consumer behavior can happen at any time, with little warning. These changes can be subtle or seismic. Ensuring the safety and soundness of your bank or credit union, projecting and smoothing earnings, while responding to the demands of regulators is a challenge, to say the least.

Now more than ever, dependable solutions are needed to model for every possible scenario, accurately forecasting the future.

That’s where Empyrean comes in.